Some people want to be like fine wine,
But baby, I want to be the bourbon
That makes you get up & boogie
Half-naked & half-full of bad decisions;
That allows you t’feel it’s OKAY
To roll around in a field of dandelions,
Forgetting your financial troubles;
That everyone’s opinion is dumb,
And so is yours, so why not shout it
For all to hear? Let’s be humble
Lil’ bourbon bumblebees & buzz
T’wherever the night takes us.
That makes you wanna blow kisses
Into the void because you know what?
You’re worth a damn;
That convinces you to order takeout
From that questionable Italian restaurant
That almost failed their health inspection
Because you can’t resist a good pasta;
That gives you the courage to finally
Send that raunchy text to an old fling;
That has you admit the Twilight movies
Were actually pretty entertaining;
That when trauma creeps its icky,
Little tendrils up your throat
& gets stuck there, you just
Wash it back down— for tonight, at least—
Because tonight we’re saying to hell
With our unspoiled lives and livers,
Meticulously calculated calorie intakes,
Yoga routines, asscrack of dawn jogs,
Fancy dry-cleaned suit ‘n’ ties
& modest eyes. We’re getting sloppy…
& possibly befriending and keeping
An opossum as a pet.
*Featured in the Autumn 2023 issue of New Note Poetry
and my latest chapbook of poems, Under the Bridge & Other Absurdities