Love’s above,
& sorrow’s below.
How do I know?
I let my skin show
& bare;
Diseased sleaze clinging like spit on every hair.
Addicted. The drone bee evicted from the hive.
Into homelessness I dived, the convicted
W/ no cross to carry, no bones to burry,
Headlong for the cemetery: crater-faced
& ill-fated as an earthbound asteroid.
(Though, when e’ery bridge to friend,
Family, foe’s destroyed,
My deathly impact shan’t be so severe…)
The future is uncertain,
& the end is always near
For this drunken acrobat on the Edge in a sway,
Lurching, looking upon the cheap bliss I piss away;
Unapologetic yet at all the daemons I’ve dredged.
“Silence the Serpent’s hiss!” avers my good conscious.
“Repent! Repent!” No… No… Not yet, good conscious.
I’m still discontent w/ all Life’s rotten pomegranates
I taste dumpster-diving into the menage a trois
of rebellious boredom and intellectual waste.
The dharma bum, fluttering afar from my terrible
& starved cocoon t’bask amok amid the amnesia of sun and moon.