E’ery now and again
When my noggin’s sick
& its fog‘s most thick
W/ a furrowed brow I stumble
Across a musky ol’ box
Of memories, and intrigued
By these forgotten trinkets
I carry it down from my
Subconscious attic
Like holiday decorations
Dusted off for another season.
FRAGILE is hastily scrawled
Catawampus across its top almost
Spilling over from hippocampus crap.
But I pay no mind: I’m the cat blind
Whom w/ careless claws
Pries the box agape —
W/ it too my heart’s gauze.
My cheeks blush. My soul shivers
& my tears begin to gush
From meek trickles to hungry rivers,
Flooding the Serengeti
Of acrid crocodiles who hiss and rip
Through my dozing mind’s muzzle
Easy as confetti, gasping for a sip
Of what little warmth they use to guzzle.
It’s over. It’s all over. I’m kaput.
Doomed as Pompeii’s my composure
To my amygdala’s magma and soot,
Kickin’ open the casket to yet again
An existential crisis in full exposure
w/ its soul-sucking kiss
& mood-mucking sores
& I just cry and cry til the world pours
and pours.